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Saint Constantine Denver Metro

We are bringing a school to the Denver metro area that provides a classical, Christian education so that we may become people ready for today and prepared for eternity. As part of the educational mission of the Orthodox Church, The Saint Constantine School educates servant-leaders through classical, Christian, practical education, nurturing the minds and hearts of students for their own salvation, for the benefit of the world, and to the glory of God. 

Get To Know Us

The Saint Constantine School opened in Houston in 2015. With current enrollment of over 400 students from various confessions, we offer a unique education that celebrates the abundance of God's truth in a traditional Christian environment. Rigid academic schedules and overburdening homework are removed from the experience of younger students, and the joy of learning and hours of free play outdoors are restored. Rather than merely preparing older students for today's astronomically priced college experience, Saint Constantine offers an Oxford-style, great books education with dual credit courses, freeing up their efforts to focus on what really matters. 

The Saint Constantine School of Denver will benefit from the successes of the Houston campus while also avoiding the overhead costs associated with administrating an elite private school. With Houston as a model, the curriculum is set, methodologies are tested and proven, and we are ready for the community to help us bring The Saint Constantine School to Colorado. 

Please peruse our website to find out more about our campus in Houston, including information about our course offerings, student life environment,  and our vision for classical, Orthodox Christian education. 

Quote Parallax

“Of all holy works, the education of children is the most holy."

Soul to Soul Education, Throughout the Nation

While running a successful school in Houston is a key mission of our organization, The Saint Constantine School was founded with a much broader vision to impact education nationwide. Building a network of branch campuses is the next phase of our mission, and participation in this network offers practical resources and assets that help make new schools a reality. 

​Imagine if we took the online education model and inverted it—moving tasks like accounting, marketing, design, legal, and HR into the virtual space while keeping your child's education face-to-face. The result: the ability to start lean, fiscally responsible, affordable schools in every airport city. This is how the Saint Constantine network is being built. 

What this means is that the Denver metro campus will start off with the resources of the Houston Central Office and its employees for about 50% the cost of one full-time employee. 

​These practical benefits also include the chance for network schools to better innovate, share, and hold each other accountable for their work in educating our students for eternity in paradise.

The result is an academically rigorous environment that never loses sight of the fact that each student in our care is a soul made in the image of God, to be nurtured and enlivened. 

The Saint Constantine Difference

Explore the hallmarks of a Saint Constantine education.


Reclaiming education, early childhood through college, in our community.

In December 2020, a pan-Orthodox steering committee began exploring the possibility of a Classical school in the Northern suburbs of Denver-metro. Members of the committee had professional experience in education, business, real estate, and law. In January 2021, the committee surveyed the larger pan-Orthodox community of the Denver-metro area to gather interest and feedback about the potential for a school. Several members then participated in a webinar from the CiRCE Institute to learn best practices in forming a Classical school. Using the methods outlined as well as a comprehensive review of several carefully selected Classical Christian schools throughout the country, the committee then developed a Guiding Document to serve as a framework for decision-making and guide the development of a strategic plan.

 Among the many school models considered, a partnership with The Saint Constantine School had been of high interest since the very first months that the committee was formed. An intensive review process with committee and school leaders was launched in March 2022 and the committee concluded that it would be an ideal fit in terms of philosophical alignment and feasibility. Accordingly, with the blessing of our local hierarch, His Eminence Isaiah, the committee formalized a partnership with The Saint Constantine School in June 2022 to form a launch committee and establish a branch campus in the Denver-metro area. For more information, please contact


Following several months of communication between the Denver committee and the Saint Constantine leadership, a decision to partner was reached. Initial terms were settled, and it was agreed that we would begin pursuing funding for our preparatory year, Year 0. This funding will allow Saint Constantine to hire a full-time employee, the Head of School, who will spearhead preparations on the ground in Denver. 


Once the initial goal has been met and a Head of School hired, then preparations can begin to open the school. The Launch Committee and the Central Office will work together and form the initial school board. Fundraising goals will be set and pursued, a location will be secured, and key staff will be scouted and hired for the next school year. Most importantly, we will begin admitting students and promoting the school to the broader community. 


The school year begins with an aggressive offering of grades and programs. The local Head of School and leadership staff maintain operations with infrastructure assistance from the Central Office.

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