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Christian Classical Students in a Globalized World
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Julia Mekdessi Naoum

It is beautiful to see the faith, love, and respect that permeate the Saint Constantine culture manifest in our students’ role-playing in international affairs. 

In our inaugural Model UN at TSCS, students spent the fall semester studying the history and workings of the United Nations and global diplomacy before trying their own hand as model diplomats. Students took on the roles of UN ambassadors from countries including the United States, Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and Nepal. Each student was responsible for researching their country’s background, demographics, history, and interests, and worked hard to represent them in small-scale simulations of different UN bodies. 

The Saint Constantine School was scheduled to represent Namibia at the North American Invitational Model UN in Washington DC February 16-20, but we were unfortunately unable to participate due to last-minute changes in pandemic-related policies. Instead, our delegates debated biosecurity in the face of pandemics and biological warfare, working together to come up with possible solutions and preventive measures. 

Our students participated in a Security Council simulation debating the efficacy and enforcement of the Olympic Truce. Afterwards, we spent time considering the justification of the permanent five veto power. Little did we imagine these topics would take on such immediate magnitude soon after. If only our world leaders could adopt some of our students’ camaraderie and creativity, the world would certainly be a better place. 

As the world watches stunned, waiting and hoping for diplomatic answers to recent catastrophes, our students have been working hard, seeking knowledge and understanding, and thinking of possible solutions. May God bless them, and may He grant peace and healing to this increasingly troubled world.