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Education in Pursuit of Virtue, Wisdom, and Joy

The Saint Constantine School provides classical, Christian education for the whole person. We are dedicated to providing a comprehensive formational education that is engaging, rigorous, and in harmony with the Eastern Orthodox Church. Guided by a commitment to the timeless traditions of the Christian Church, mind, and worldview, The Saint Constantine School endeavors to educate students for the Church, the city of Houston, the United States, and the world.

Our first campus opened its doors in 2016 in Houston, Texas, where we now have over 500 students and 80 staff. It is our joy to open a Pittsburgh campus in August 2024. 

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Early Childhood

Pre-K3 - Kindergarten

Lower School

Grades 1 - 5

Middle School

Grades 6 - 8

Upper School

Grades 9 - 12


Undergraduate Program


Hear From One of Our Own

Why join the Saint Constantine community?

Our Houston campus has been in operation since 2016. Read what parents and alumni of TSCS Houston have to say.


Former Student

There are so many ways that TSCS prepared me for my future, both practically and with regards to that which is true and beautiful.

I was not a strong paper writer; turning in CQs and final papers was nerve-wracking as I struggled to find a consistent voice and express ideas clearly. Now, nearly three years post graduation, I am on track to publish my first peer-reviewed academic journal. That's the thing about Saint Constantine: in those halls I was never taught to fulfill a grade, but was instead encouraged to strengthen my skill.

But, life is not merely academics. In my friendships, I tend to form the tightest bonds with those who love lengthy deep dives into truth and beauty. I read constantly. In my vocation, which is Landscape Architecture, I get to connect with the sublimity of the earth, and reading great poetry helped me unlock that vocabulary of magnificence which is required when one is beholding the beauty of creation.

I believe ultimately that TSCS prepared me to live deeply. Leaving Saint Constantine is leaving with a pocket-full of universal truths, that help in the shaping of my daily life, my personal beliefs, and my friendships. 


Former Student

Every day, each of us asks ourselves about what to believe and what to dispute, when to listen and when to speak, how to be gracious and how to be bold. As I make those judgements, I find myself continually grateful for the methods I learned in my classical studies and the mentors who guided me.

I’ve long forgotten the due dates and tests I faced at fifteen, but I remember the greater lessons about goodness, truth, and beauty. Those came largely from discussion with my peers, exposure to great ideas, and the example of my teachers. I learned to seek excellence not just in the pursuit of a grade, but of a better life. The Saint Constantine School is run by people who inspire and model that kind of living.

If you care about that - and I think you should - TSCS is a great place to be.


TSCS Parent

The truly Socratic conversations at The Saint Constantine School have enlightened my teenagers to seek Truth, Wisdom, and Knowledge in Christ at a university honors program-level of understanding, all while still in high school.

The teachers and staff at the Saint Constantine School helped me graduate two students into university honors college programs, and we are excited to have two more students currently enrolled under their excellent tutelage.


Former Student

When I was a student at The Saint Constantine School, their instruction and guidance gave me my first glimpse of not only the importance of education, but its beauty, too. The books we read together and the discussions we had changed my life, redirecting it towards the most positive ends - not merely a little accomplishment in the classroom. They showed me the door to a good life, and taught me by example that it is always unlocked if only you try the handle.


Former Student

The Saint Constantine School completely transformed the way I view the world. I was encouraged to connect with my peers through our vast range of ideas and differing opinions, rather than avoid them. I am more curious about the world and what lies beyond it, because I was immersed in an environment where I sought to understand the ideas contained in words like Good, Justice, and Truth. My faith strengthened through my peers and the faculty who had the same longing for God that I had, as I was constantly challenged to expand on my understanding of God and His creation.

Currently, I am an Audit Associate at a CPA firm in Washington D.C., and am working towards earning my CPA license. The Saint Constantine School helped build and fortify my confidence, and I would not be where I am today if it were not for the faculty and staff at TSCS who always believed in me and my ability to achieve my goals.


Former Student

Saint Constantine's teachers do an amazing job of facilitating a safe environment for both academic and personal growth. At the same time that they are helping a student work through the problem of Anselm's argument for God, they are also helping the student work through the problem of their own future and the choices that come with growing up. They are not only strong educators but strong mentors as well.

Quote Parallax

“...the mission of our school reaches far beyond sending well-educated, well-rounded students into the world.”


The Art of Weaving
Melissa Klotz

“He filled them with wisdom, understanding, and skill to do all manner of work of the holy place, and to weave the woven and embroidered work with scarlet and fine linen, and to do all work of curious workmanship and embroidery.” — Exodus 35:35

Read More about The Art of Weaving

At a glance


Year Founded

Learn more about the story and values of our school.


Average Class Size

We keep our classes small so that students have the space and time to settle deeply into their studies.


Student to Faculty Ratio

Our excellent faculty is dedicated to helping students of all ages to succeed.


Number of College Credits Earned in High School

Graduates of TSCS will be well-prepared to follow their chosen path.


Number of Faculty with Advanced Degrees

Learn more about our uniquely qualified faculty.

7 Acres

Campus size

We make sure that our campus inspires the appreciation of beauty among students of all ages.

What does a TSCS education look like up close?